M.Sc. Jiří Purš, member of the board of PRO-ZETA, Josef Neuman, director of the Palaxo Australia branch, Pavel Černoch director of the Circularo branchMgr. Jiří Purš, člen správní rady PRO-ZETA, Josef Neuman, ředitel pobočky Palaxo Australia, Pavel Černoch ředitel pobočky…

ENAfter 3 years of development, we launched a new Tier5 version that integrates software-defined storage Blackstor and a new version of the Quickmedia service, all supported by Kubernetes orchestration.CZZprovoznění nové struktury clouduPo 3 letech vývoje jsme spustili novou verzi Tier5,…

ENIn September 2023, the process of selling part of Prozeta's business unit, named Blindspot, was completed. David Čermák has taken over as its head. The company Blindspot was supported by its investors, the Presto group and Prozeta, making Blindspot a…

Join us for a look at the highlights from the exhibition "All the Power of Imagination!", which took place from 24.6.2022 to 3.9.2023 at the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. The exhibition showcased innovative artworks by renowned artists and state-of-the-art technologies that…

In the ever-evolving landscape of the digital world, one thing remains constant - the necessity for robust, comprehensive, and real-time cybersecurity. Among various forms of cyber threats, Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have emerged as a significant menace. According…

We are pleased to share some of the significant events that took place during Spring 2023 in which Prozeta was involved. In collaboration with Motol University Hospital, we successfully completed the VR MOTOL project, which is revolutionizing the treatment of…

The event series brought together experts and innovators, featuring engaging panel discussions, B2B meetings, and networking opportunities, creating a platform for collaboration between the Czech Republic and North America.We were present at the Toronto event, actively sharing valuable insights and…

Prozeta is proud to announce its online partnership with One World, the largest human rights documentary film festival in the Czech Republic, which runs from March 22nd to March 2nd. The festival showcases films that tell compelling stories of individuals…

The "Czech Season in Dresden" is a significant cultural event that aims to promote Czech art abroad and showcase the country's rich artistic and cultural heritage to a wider international audience. As part of this event, the exhibition "All the…

"The great Czech surrealist Jan Svankmajer once told how, in a tense political atmosphere, he and his wife Eva hung a banner from the balcony of their Prague apartment with the call "All power to the imagination!" and passers-by would…