At Arista, quality is not just one of the most important attributes of our product development and maintenance; it is the foundation built around everything else. Faster, the better? No, quality is the best. The larger the data center…

"Quality is the most important attribute of our products. Not one of the most important, it's the most important." - Ken Duda, CTO and co-founder of Arista Networks At Arista Networks, quality is not just a word but a fundamental…

Prozeta has become the Online Partner of the One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival organized by the non-governmental, non-profit organization People in Need, as it did last year. This year, the festival will take place in cinemas in…

At the invitation of the Czech Business Council in Dubai, Prozeta Middle East FZCO and PRO-ZETA a.s. from Prague participated in the 22nd CBC Galla Business Session of Czech companies in Dubai, which took place on January 24th. (more…)

Prozeta celebrated its 30th anniversary with its most important clients. Despite the rainy weather, everybody enjoyed the autumn atmosphere on the Lucerna rooftop.[gallery ids="5003,5002,5001,5000,4999,4998,4997,4996,4988,4989,4990,4991,4992,4993,4994,4995,4987,4986,4985,4984,4983,4982,4981,4980,4979,4978,4977,4976,4975,4973,4972,4971,4970,4969,4968,4966"]

Předkládáme vám každoroční účetní závěrku naší společnosti, která však v letošním roce má i bilanční charakter, a to ve vztahu k 30 letům působení společnosti Prozeta na trhu. V uplynulém roce došlo k výrazným změnám ve fungování společnosti. Jednak to…

Prozeta employees, their families, and children celebrated the end of the summer in the Prague Central Camp in Žižkov. We made sailor earrings, enjoyed face painting and barbecuing, ate cake, and danced to the beat of a DJ.

This year, Prozeta is celebrating 30 years since its founding in 1991. The celebration started with no one else than with its employees. (more…)

Prozeta, a Czech technological company, has become an online partner of the 23rd International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival One World, organized by the non-governmental, non-profit organization People in Need. Mainly due to the current pandemic situation, this year's event…

Due to the increasing frequency and intensity of DDoS cyber-attacks, the CESNET association has strengthened the security of the external perimeter of its network. Security at the global connectivity level will provide users with more effective protection against cyber-attacks. (more…)